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Parent Information

School Pickup and Drop Off Service

We have an excellent pick-up and drop-off service. We can pick-up or drop-off your child at the time you tell us, which can assist in freeing up and saving your time. The safety and comfort of the child is our first priority and we ensure that the child feels comfortable and engaged with us at all time.

School Drop off

We can pick your child up from your door or at a drop point as early as 7.00am. We do expect your child to be ready for pick up at the agreed time.

School Pickup

We can also drop off your child after school, we will come up to the door and ensure your child is safely inside your house before we move on.  We do expect you or someone that you have designated to be at home to receive the child. We will not drop-off the child if anyone other than you or the person you have designated is not at home.


Booking For Summer Camp 2021

Our Gallery


Kiddz Haven Breakfast & After Club 
191 Bellegrove Road
Welling Kent DA16 3RA

Telephone: 0737 7411 489

Booking Form